In our daily life, there are many kinds of problems when washing clothes. Sometimes, when the clothes are hung in the closet and then removed, the white clothes are yellowed. So how do you get the clothes back to white? As a manufacturer of
washing powder, here are some ways to deal with it. Method 1: water of washing rice cleaning method Always soak and wash with rice water, white clothes will not be easy to yellow. Wash the white clothes directly in the water, then wash with detergent.

Method 2: vinegar water and lemon water immersion method Add lemon or white vinegar to the water, then soak the white in water and rub it. Method 3: blue ink bleaching method Pour a few drops of blue ink into the water, mix well, and put the clean white clothes in the water for a few times to dry. Method 4: air drying method To deal with for a long time and yellowish white vest, wear, can soak the clothes in the water first, then use detergent or soap for clothes, washing powder, soap, knead, of the reoccupy after rinsing directly into plastic bags, fasten the mouth, more than an hour in the sun, and finally remove and rinse.
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